Fried pirozhki with egg and scallions

Baked pirozhki with mashed potato

Holiday zakuski spread (clockwise from upper right): whitefish salad, herring in fur coat, cod liver salad, carrot garlic salad, Olivier (potato) salad, smoked salmon and smoked sturgeon, red cabbage apple salad, salami, chicken liver pate with caramelized onions and lingonberry jam.
Happy New Year! That's quite a spread! We never did anything like that - mom doesn't like cooking and hates Olivier and fur-coated herring with a vengeance - so I'm a little envious =)
My friend Lois and I do a New Year's Day bash every year. But our spread is nowhere near as intersting as your mom's. I'm inspired for next year!
Everything looks so very good! Glad to read that you had a wonderful New Year's celebration with family.
I ate that wonderful food!
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